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Water Meditation and Koi Ponds


By Emmett Johnson

Finding a calm place to relax in a busy world can be difficult. Water meditation focuses on the moment while incorporating water. The koi pond at Project Chimps is the perfect spot to practice it! With the study of water meditation and the symbolism of koi fish, the pond creates a calming effect for relaxation. 

I decided to try these techniques out myself.

Water Meditation 

Meditation comes in many different forms, but all forms have the same goal: relaxing and focusing on the present moment. Water meditation is a form of meditation that uses water; water symbolizes flow and releasing rigidity. Since humans are 60% water, there is a strong connection with life and mental health to water. 

Water meditation incorporates the sounds and sensations of water in the process. It can be by watching the water, being near or in water. Doing this can help release mental blockades. 

Aquarium therapy is a new field of study that focuses on the psychological and physical effects of watching water and fish move.  

This study study shows that the heart rate drops, and mood increases after watching fish swim for at least five minutes. Other effects of aquarium therapy are the release of endorphins and an increase in the production of serotonin. These effects create a happier mental health state because it helps re-center the mind. 

Watching the koi fish helps develop a deeper connection between humans and nature to reconnect with the natural world. Fish move in calm, repetitive motions, allowing the viewer to focus on their movement rather than distracting thoughts. 

A few of the koi fish visiting me while I enjoyed the view from the gazebo at Project Chimps.

Importance of Koi 

Koi ponds are unique from regular ponds because of the symbolism behind the fish. In Chinese and Japanese culture, the koi fish symbolizes good fortune, love, friendship, and perseverance. These symbolic ties to the koi fish help humans understand these values. Each color of the koi has a unique symbolism.  

Koi with red and white spots symbolizes career success. Black koi represent perseverance and fatherhood. Koi with white bodies and black and red coloring symbolize finding true love. Gold koi represent financial prosperity. There are many color variations of the koi fish, which allows the fish to also represent uniqueness.  

The koi fish represent persistence because the koi were heroes in ancient Chinese and Japanese stories. In the story “The Golden Dragon,” the koi fish swam upstream against a waterfall to face the gods. The gods praise the koi fish for its persistence in swimming upstream rather than being taken by the current. The message is important because it shows that people can overcome great obstacles. 

The koi enhance water meditation because their vibrant colorations make seeing them easy in the pond. This ability to see the koi allows viewers to watch the back-and-forth motions and experience the full effects of watching the fish and water meditation by being near the water.  

Water Meditation Techniques 

Like any form of meditation, water meditation can have personalization to anyone’s preference. While seeing the koi pond at Project Chimps, one style of meditation to practice is to simply watch the fish and be mindful of your breathing.  

The gazebo next to the koi pond is a great spot to practice water meditation because it is close to the pond’s edge to have a pleasant view of the koi and hear the water. Try putting away all distractions to focus on the steady movements of the koi and listen to the water. After doing this for a few minutes, you may feel more relaxed and experience the benefits of water meditation. 

Why does Project Chimps have koi fish in the first place? They were already here when the sanctuary bought the property. According to the former owner, she rescued fish that were considered “ugly” from a breeder. We disagree, we think all our fish are beauties in their own right!  

 Plan your trip to Project Chimps, experience the koi pond, and try water meditation! 

Emmett is a 2023 Communications Intern
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