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Celebrating ALMASI’s 17th birthday! 

Almasi-coconut-peace day-09.08.23 is

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend but 17-year-old Almasi is friends with everyone! Her name means “diamond” in Swahili and it definitely suits her sparkling personality.  

Although she’s one of the lower ranking females in Harmony Villa, Almasi is friends with all her group mates. She’s kind to everyone, and loves to play, but she’s become especially close with Amy in the past year. While some chimps might prioritize food, Almasi seems to prefer playing with Amy instead. Their favorite time to play is during breakfast, so much so that sometimes they’ll even play through the entire meal! 

Don’t worry though! When this happens, caregivers always make sure they get their food afterwards. Maybe the reason they keep the play session going as long as it does is because they know they’ll receive their food later! 

Almasi’s number one favorite thing is paper. She always has at least a small piece with her and loves to make giant paper nests. She enjoys spending time outside in the habitat, especially in the blue barrel. She’s also become much more confident over the past year. At mealtime, she isn’t afraid to take her food from the hopper even when a higher-ranking chimp is nearby.  

If some chimps haven’t come inside yet for dinnertime, she lets caregivers know by sitting in the door and looking into the habitat. She’s also been known to go back outside to find her friends and let them know it’s time for dinner. A few minutes later, caregivers will see all chimps, including Almasi, walking back to Harmony. Almasi is a great friend to have because she looks out for everyone. 

Today, May 15th, we hope you’ll join us in wishing Almasi a happy 17th birthday! If you’d like to send her a birthday gift to help celebrate, she’d love a gift of rolled paper. We keep some on our Amazon Wishlist, or you’re welcome to send any dye-free rolled paper as well! Whether you send a gift or make a donation in Almasi’s honor, thank you for helping us support the chimps. 

Happy birthday, Almasi! We’re so lucky to know a chimp like you! 

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