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Celebrating VERONICA’s 29th birthday!  


July is a special month for mother and son duo Veronica and Jacob here at Project Chimps. They both share the same birthday month! Today, July 13th, we’re honored to celebrate Veronica’s 29th birthday.  

Veronica (affectionately known as “V” by care staff) is a truly extraordinary chimp! Like her son Jacob, Veronica is very intelligent and skilled at solving puzzle enrichments. She’s very courageous and was one of the first to go outside when she arrived, with Zana right behind her.  

Although Veronica and Jacob live together now, this wasn’t always the case. They lived separately for several years until Veronica arrived at Project Chimps in 2021. Today, they live together in Laurie and Carlee McGrath Chateau A where caregivers are awed by their striking resemblance. In fact, Veronica and Jacob look so much alike that sometimes caregivers do a double take to check who’s who!  

As an older chimp, Veronica sometimes shows signs of joint pain caregivers closely monitor, especially in her hips. According to her caregivers, you’d never know this about her by watching her displays! However, this may be due in part to her treatment. One of her favorite treats is the peanut butter cup she gets twice a day. Caregivers use these to hide her medications and joint supplements so it’s a good thing she likes them so much!  

Veronica is a true foodie and is always first to the food hopper alongside her buddy Sheena! They rush to the hopper at the same time but they’re also respectful and take only their portions of meals. They like to take naps together on the cubby platforms while staff clean.  

We’re thrilled to be able to celebrate Veronica’s 29th birthday here at Project Chimps. If you’d like to send her a birthday gift, why not send her some peanut butter from our Amazon Wishlist? Thank you so much for supporting her care! 

V, we’re so glad to be able to celebrate this special day with you and Jacob here at the sanctuary. Here’s hoping for many, many more!  

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