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Celebrating KIRK’s 39th birthday! 

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It seems fitting that Kirk shares his name with one of the most iconic sci-fi characters of all time. He may not be captain of a starship, but as alpha of his group, Kirk’s a leader all the same! Today, we’re honored to celebrate his 39th birthday here at Project Chimps. 

Kirk was born on July 27, 1985, making him one of the oldest chimpanzees at the sanctuary! He comes second in age only to Rusty, who was born three months prior in April. When it comes to chimps at the top of the hierarchy, however, Kirk is number one! 

Kirk is the alpha of Chimps Ahoy Villa. Every chimp has their own leadership style, and Kirk is no exception. Typically, he prefers to take a hands-off approach to dealing with conflict which has led to some interesting developments. The chimps in Kirk’s group are quite efficient when it comes to self-regulating and solving social difficulties on their own. According to their caregivers, Kirk has little to do as far as breaking up fights and managing group dynamics goes. Even Rocko, once something of a rival to Kirk in the past, is now one of Kirk’s most frequent playmates! 

Although Kirk may take more of a backseat role in solving disputes, that’s not to say that he isn’t observant. He pays close attention to the chimps in his group and is ready to step in if they ever need him. Recently, he discovered a position where he’s able to observe a neighboring group in the habitat. Kirk enjoyed the view from this spot so much that he spent several weeks “chimp-watching.” 

Kirk is a strong, extraordinary chimp, and we’re so excited to celebrate his birthday here on July 27th! If you’d like to send him a gift, please consider sending some oats for enrichment from our Amazon Wishlist! Whether you send a gift or make a donation in Kirk’s honor, thank you for supporting his continued care. 

Kirk, it’s a true honor to see you shine here at Project Chimps! Happy 39th birthday from all of us here at the sanctuary! 

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