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Boy Meets Girl – Entry #8

Dear Diary, edits

Missed the earlier entries? Start here.

The day started off with much brainstorming and reflection on how the introductions had gone so far. To recap, we have one group of mixed chimps and two groups of unmixed chimps. We could keep going by adding individuals to the mixed groups, but that could have resulted in anxiety in the separated groups as their numbers dwindled and all the higher-ranking chimps departed. Without the democracy of their leaders, the remaining chimps could have gotten out of hand – like unsupervised teenagers.

We decided that the chimps that were still separated would be good matches for each other. With Anna as a strong female figure and Rosemary having shown positive affiliative behavior toward the males during howdies, it seemed like a good move for the female side. The youngsters would follow their lead. 


On the male side we had Maverick the Casanova and Justin, who has shown a firm understanding in chimp communication. Rocko is a higher-ranking male but had resisted joining the introduction process and could be a problem. And last, but not least, Neal, who even though it seemed he might be a bit over the top, showed in howdies that he was all about play, using play sessions as a distraction from arguments.

Leaving the already mixed group alone for the time being, we simply opened the doors between the remaining chimps and waited to see what they would do.

Anna was a bit intimidated by Maverick’s excitement and reacted in kind. Male chimps sometimes approach others standing upright with their hair on end, females do not usually do this and the sight of the big boy approaching her in such a state sent Anna for a loop! Even Rocko tried to assure her but Anna was not convinced and continued to bounce through the rooms screaming at the males who were clearly baffled at her response. Mandy and Rosemary sat by watching, preferring to be a spectator than a participant.


Moonie did her best to communicate to the males and they accepted her as a new family member quickly. Justin seemed to be able to approach Anna and start to make advancement with her. But unfortunately for Rocko and Maverick, Anna talked Justin into a bit of follow the leader and got Justin to keep the males away from her and the small female posse that was taking direction from her.

Neal did his best to support his buddies, but he also wanted to reassure the females and was stuck playing the go-between, doing his best to engage everyone in play together.

After just a few hours, they all settled into their positions and it was time to bring the two mixed groups together!

As you can imagine, chaos ensued. Some of the chimps who started intros early, have now been separated from their other friends for a few days. New alliances had been formed and new relationships were blooming, but old friendships are strong too. What is that saying about make new friends, but keep the old, one is timid and the other is bold? I am not sure that’s quite how it goes, but it is fitting for chimps!

After much screaming, hugging, arguing and some playing things started to settle down. After all this excitement, older chimps were ready for a nap.  Unfortunately, Anna, Arielle, Kyrstin and Roxy were not done with their antics. The afternoon was a mixture of play sessions and napping. The males were used to a calmer afternoon when it was just them and were having to learn just what the female’s communication styles were and take power naps between activities.

Anna still does not trust them and jumps in to help the younger females, even when they do not need help. This causes some confusion on the male’s part because they think they are playing nicely, and Anna seems to think they are too aggressive. Arielle, Mandy, Kyrstin, and Roxy are caught between wanting to keep their big sister happy and wanting to play rough with their new friends.

Arielle & Mandy

Arielle especially seems to think it is a fun game to smack a male and go running away screaming before anyone can see what is happening – it appears she is trying to get them in trouble!

Before the end of the day, the males seem to have figured out to just let the young girls smack them. Anna seems to have figured out Armond’s role in the group and is focusing her efforts on creating a relationship with him. She is no fool, she wants the powerplay.  

Greg seems to be in heaven; he has been the focus of several of the females’ attention and even Anna was grooming him as we locked up for the night.

Tomorrow we will need to serve breakfast with 19 chimps figuring out where to go and which order to receive food without disagreement. Tonight, we shall all sleep very well and prepare for the next big adventure – going out into the habitat as one big (hopefully happy) family!

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