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Boy Meets Girl – Entry #9

Dear Diary, edits 9

Missed the earlier entries? Start here.

Waking the villa up after their first night fully together is another one of those moments that you aren’t ever quite sure what you are about to walk into. Will they have slept peacefully, or will they have stayed up all night getting to know one another and investigating other’s nesting habits and nighttime behaviors?

Chimps just waking up on their outdoor porch decks.

But the chimps all appeared to be well rested and comfortable together and we began the new breakfast routine. Every morning, each chimp receives a serving of fruit, a serving of vegetables, a bag of their chimp biscuits along with the all-important juice cup. Some chimps might have medications in their juice (all the females receive birth control in their juice!).

The chimps are asked to remain calm and patient during the meal service and to wait their turns. We try to go as fast we can, and some chimps take their items readily and others like to take their time. There is a delicate balance in making sure each individual gets the service they prefer while keeping the whole group on track for their day.

During service this morning, the lower ranking females, like Roxy and Kyrstin, stayed back, unsure of who was actually in charge now that they were mixed. The higher-ranking females will show their position by taking food from the other females and the younger ones have learned to just wait their turn. They are fortunate that the males appear to be gentlemen and didn’t feel the need to threaten or steal food from them. Interestingly, the higher ranking males like Kirk and Armond came forward, but actually let the females get their food first.

Maverick and Neal decided to take their food in a room not occupied by ladies, better safe than sorry!


Arielle tried to steal Armond’s food this morning. That foolish girl! She quickly figured out that the males will not let her steal their food, but she also didn’t get walloped for the attempt. Armond just calmly turned and let Arielle food peer over his shoulder while happily munching on his breakfast.

Oh, the chimp life. In just a little while it will be time to open the doors and send them outside into the habitat for the first time as a group of 19! I am so excited that I might not be able to sleep tonight!

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