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How many ways can you eat a cucumber?

cucumber slices

by Madelyn Kos

If you came here to read about an exact number, I’ll wait with you. The chimps continue to come up with multiple ways to eat a cucumber, at this point – we’ve lost count. Every week, there seems to be at least one new technique added to the count.

Nevertheless, let’s figure out how many can you eat a cucumber!

Ronald chimpanzee holding a cucumber with a bite out of it.
Ronald eating a cucumber at Project Chimps

Why the cucumber?

The chimps at the sanctuary receive cucumbers about twice a week. They are always paired with their usual breakfast consisting of different fruits. It is important to give chimps diverse food options. By adding a cucumber in a few meals per week, it helps diversify their pallet while also providing a yummy treat. Joseph, a caregiver, believes the reason the chimps love cucumbers so much is because they are a juicy and tasty vegetable and are easy to consume.

So, what are the different ways a chimp can eat a cucumber?

There are multiple ways to eat a cucumber and each way is as unique as the chimps themselves. Some simply dig in to the cucumber, eating it like a sandwich. Others peel the skin off with their teeth and only eat the flesh. While a few like to pick up the discarded peels and tease off any remaining cucumber flesh.

The inside of the cucumber is more popular compared to the skin. Some eat this juicy produce by simply biting into it. A few enjoy eating it like an ear of corn, going side to side until it is finished. Every method is completely unique to that chimp.

To share or not to share

Because the cucumbers are so popular among the chimps, sometimes they share bites. Chimps do not typically share food outside of the mother and baby bond. Of course, there are a few exceptions. Kennedy and Kivuli as well as Haylee and Tristen often share their cucumbers with each other. While one is eating their cucumber, the other leans over and steals a quick bite. Luckily, no one seems to get jealous when this happens.

However, not all the chimps are open to sharing their cucumber. It is normal for the chimps to eat their food individually. In the sanctuary, the chimps sit near each other when eating, but they position their bodies in a “closed off” style. They usually sit with their backs facing each other. They organize their food in an arrangement making it harder for their neighbor to see what they are eating. This way they get own meal with zero interruptions from other chimps (most of the time!).

The possibilities are endless

Depending on the chimp, the atmosphere, and the cucumber, there are numerous ways to eat a cucumber. Every chimp has an individualistic personality which influences their taste in foods, especially how they eat foods. Cucumbers are a funny vegetable, which might explain why the chimps eat them in bizarre ways!  The possibilities are endless.

Justin forages for pickles in a tub full of balls and pickle juice

After learning about how the chimps here at Project Chimps eat their cucumbers, how many ways do you think you can eat a cucumber?


The chimps consume 6-7 pounds of fresh produce per day – each! The produce is bought from local markets – you can help us purchase produce for the chimps by donating here! We are also starting to grow produce like cucumbers in our Project Harvest farmland!

Madelyn Kos is a 2020 intern in the Communications Department.
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