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Happy Birthday Bob!

Please enjoy our special thank you gift for you!

This fall, the 69 chimpanzees then in residence at Project Chimps enjoyed a special Celebration that included festive and tasty pumpkins; paper streamers filled with smeared peanut butter, nuts and seeds; and surprise boxes filled with fall fruit enrichment!

We hope you enjoy this special photo flipbook made just for you and hope you’ll feel free to share this private webpage with family and friends.

Happy Birthday Bob! From your friends at Project Chimps.

If you’d like to download a copy of the photo album to print at home, please click on this link and download the photo book in a printable, PDF format.

Latricia was among the first chimpanzees transferred to Project Chimps in September 2016.
Latricia was among the first chimpanzees transferred to Project Chimps in September 2016.

For the research industry, it’s the end of an era, but for these chimpanzees, it’s just the beginning.

You can help bring a chimpanzee from the lab to Project Chimps by donating today.

It's Their Time To Live

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