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Honeybees and Chimpanzees

Did you know there are nearly 20,000 different species of bees around the world? And apart from Antarctica, bees can be found on every single continent! These hardworking pollinators are responsible for fertilizing about one-third of all fruits, vegetables, nuts, and flowers each year, providing food for both humans and wildlife.

The Project Chimps apiary is home to thousands of honeybees (Apis mellifera), one of the only species of bee that produces honey! The honey our bees produce is exclusively used to enrich the chimps. We follow rigorous sustainability practices to ensure that they’re happy, safe, and free from preventable illness, and we only harvest the excess honey the bees produce. You can catch a glimpse of the apiary when you hike our Nature Trail.

The facilities team oversees our apiary.
The facilities team oversees our apiary.
Volunteer with the bees!
Interested in becoming a regular volunteer to assist with our bees? Apply today!

In addition to honeybees, we also provide homes for the wild mason bees that live here in the forest. Although the mason bees don’t produce honey, they are exceptional pollinators and contribute to the forest's ecosystem by helping to improve its regrowth and preserving its biodiversity.

Mason Bee Hotel made by scouts that you can find throughout the Pollinator Garden.
Mason Bee Hotel made by scouts that you can find throughout the Pollinator Garden.
chimpanzee laying in the sun
Chloe relaxing in the Peachtree Habitat.

Won't You Help?

This project would not be possible without our many generous individual supporters and volunteers. We rely on donations to fulfill our mission, including caring for our existing residents and expanding the sanctuary to accommodate those chimpanzees still waiting in the lab.

Won’t you help us bring the remaining chimps to sanctuary by supporting Project Chimps today? Please donate today because...

It's Their Time To Live

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