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A Chimp’s Guide to Stealing Food

Stealing food is a strategic business in the chimp world. While it may sound like a simple interaction, there are actually many reasons why chimps steal food – and no, it is not just because they are hungry. Here is a chimp’s guide to stealing food while keeping a clean slate.

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Chimp Diets – What’s on the Menu at Project Chimps?

Just like humans, chimpanzees have their own unique dietary needs and preferences. For example, you will probably try in vain to get a chimp to eat foods such as kiwi, squash, kale, and green beans. But you will be very popular if you present favorites such as onions, eggplant, sweet potatoes, apples, and bananas.

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The BOT Tool to Track Abnormal Behaviors

Kate’s job as Behavior Coordinator at Project Chimps is to observe and assess chimp behavior as well as run the Positive Reinforcement behavioral training program. Kate closely with the chimpanzees and caretakers to monitor the well-being of the chimps and determine whether or not there are any signs of abnormal behavior

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Abnormal Behavior in Chimpanzees

One way sanctuaries and zoos gauge a chimp’s emotional and physical well-being is to look for signs of abnormal behavior. Abnormal or atypical behaviors are scientific terms that describe behaviors that are often indicative of stress.

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Topical Wound Therapy for Chimps

With antibiotic resistance on the rise, it is more important than ever to use drug therapy wisely. Chimpanzees have amazing powers to heal, out in the wild wounds would have to take care of themselves. But Collin is not in the wild, he is under our care at Project Chimps.

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A Harvest for chimpanzees

There’s no denying that chimps love to eat! Here at Project Chimps, their diet consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. In addition to daily breakfast and dinner services where each chimp gets a full meal, caretakers also scatter different food items like cabbage, nuts, seeds, carrots and tomatoes over their enclosures for lunch and dinner enrichment. This allows the chimps to engage in one of their natural behaviors — foraging.

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A Matter of Chimp Poop

Perhaps dealing with chimp feces isn’t the most glamourous part of a chimpanzee caretaker’s day, but it’s certainly one of the most important. Like in other species (including us!), fecal consistency is a great indicator of overall health, so, caretakers must constantly assess the quality of, well, chimp poop!

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