Project Chimps Blog
The Perfect Companion
By Project Chimps |
Chimpanzees are playful by nature, and the right toy can provide them outlets to have fun! Chimps have different personalities and preferences that influence what they play with. Emma chooses to play with a simple toy that her unique mind can run wild with. Making up creative ways to play.
Celebrating SASHA’s 37th birthday!
By Project Chimps |
Sasha has a mild and sweet disposition but that doesn’t mean she’s happy to let anyone else push her around. She’s high-ranking and has strong bonds with both the males and females.
Celebrating RAY’s 16th birthday!
By Project Chimps |
Ray came to Project Chimps when he was just 9 years old. He lives in the Laurie & Carlee McGrath Chateau Villa alongside several other youngsters which can lead to some interesting dynamics!
Meet Project Chimps Board Member Dr. Stephanie Poindexter
By Project Chimps |
By Ari D’Arconte Meet Dr. Stephanie Poindexter who joined the Project Chimps board of directors in 2020. Dr. Poindexter is an assistant professor at the University of Buffalo who studies nocturnal primates. She got involved with Project Chimps after advocating an addendum on a bill helping to ban the interstate primate pet trade. Her research…
Celebrating KASSIE’s 29th birthday!
By Project Chimps |
Kassie has a bit of a flair for the dramatic. Because she has friends in high places, she tends to get away with these dramatic episodes.
Celebrating LIZZY’s 34th birthday!
By Project Chimps |
According to her caregivers, Lizzy and her favorite Grinch toy are practically inseparable. She even helps keep him clean by grooming him!
Celebrating JAMIE’s 35th birthday!
By Project Chimps |
Jamie has been exploring the outdoors a lot recently — she’s even gotten a tan! But although she’s been venturing farther, she always makes sure to come back for her next serving of juice.
Plush Toys
By Project Chimps |
Stuffed animals at the sanctuary usually only last a few days. This is thanks to chimps being so strong. Because of this, some chimps here at the sanctuary aren’t allowed to have fragile toys. But some chimps have much more of a gentle touch when it comes to their toys.
Bruce Wagman: Inception to Actualization of Project Chimps
By Project Chimps |
As Project Chimps celebrates its 10-year anniversary, President and Founding Board Member, Bruce Wagman, reflects on its origins and the milestones that have been achieved along the way.
Celebrating KIRK’s 39th birthday!
By Project Chimps |
He may not be captain of a starship, but alpha Kirk’s a leader all the same! We’re honored to celebrate his 39th birthday at Project Chimps.
Celebrating DANNER’s 15th birthday!
By Project Chimps |
Once one of the smallest, most insecure chimps in his group, now Danner is one of the largest! He’s come a long way from the awkward chimp with enormous hands, but we still know him by his “Danner Bananer” nickname all the same!
Donate Water Bottles for Chimp Enrichment
By Project Chimps |
Today we will be talking about how we use donated water bottles for some of these enrichment activities, and how you can donate your used water bottles to help.
Celebrating Dawn for World Chimp Day
By Project Chimps |
In honor of World Chimpanzee Day we would like to showcase Dawn, one of our most resilient chimps.
Celebrating VERONICA’s 29th birthday!
By Project Chimps |
July is a special month for mother and son duo Veronica and Jacob here at Project Chimps. They both share the same birthday month!
The Color Blue
By Project Chimps |
Everyone in the world has their own favorite color. Chimps have their own favorite colors too! When it comes to toys, Jabari absolutely adores the color blue. His favorite choice of toy? A set of chewy keys, each a different color. His favorite key? It’s the blue one of course!