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Celebrate CHARISSE’s 19th birthday!


In the sanctuary, where chimpanzees find solace and companionship, two identical twins stand out with their unique personalities and captivating antics. Meet Charisse, one half of the dynamic duo, who shares an inseparable bond with her twin sister, Buttercup. 

Identical twins can be challenging to tell apart, but Charisse and Buttercup hold a secret distinction. Buttercup boasts a prominent freckle or “beauty mark” on her right cheek, while Charisse showcases a similar mark just under her nose. This subtle difference allows caregivers and sponsors to distinguish between the two and appreciate their individuality. 

Charisse and Buttercup have grown more independent over time. The twins do find comfort and security in each other’s presence, but they love to explore separately as long as they stay within close range of earshot as they explore their individual interests. This enduring bond between the two sisters highlights the importance of companionship and familial connections within the sanctuary. 

Charisse possesses a love for training. She eagerly embraces the opportunity to engage in training sessions, displaying enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. A new training tool called “Trade” has captured Charisse’s attention and excitement. This tool, used to remove objects from the chimp enclosure, entices her with the prospect of trading an item for a peanut. Charisse’s dedication to training is evident as she brings empty chow bags to her caregivers, eagerly hoping for a rewarding exchange. 

Charisse and Buttercup have earned a reputation as some of the loudest chimps in the sanctuary. When one of them initiates vocalizations, the other responds in kind, raising the volume in a lively symphony of sounds. This vocal exchange reaches its peak when food is involved, showcasing their shared enthusiasm and delight. Charisse’s vocalization prowess reflects her expressive nature and her ability to communicate and connect with her surroundings. 

Charisse’s love for toys knows no bounds but there is one toy, in particular, that has captured her heart. The Cedar Tree group recently received a new blue dragon squeaky toy and Charisse has developed a special affinity for it. Whether it’s the vibrant color or the delightful squeaking sound it produces, this toy has quickly become one of her favorites. Charisse can often be seen gleefully throwing her toys up in the air or dashing around the habitat with them, adding an extra element of excitement to her playtime. And, if you ask Charisse, the squeaking feature is always a delightful bonus. 

Today, February 24, we hope you’ll join us in wishing Charisse a very happy 19th birthday! If you’d care to send her a birthday present, you can find the blue dragon squeaky toy on our Amazon Wish List.   

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