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Celebrating ANGELIC’s 27th birthday! 

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It’s September 16th, which means it’s our day to celebrate the diva of Chateau A! Not only is this the day Angelic turns 27, but it’s also the third birthday she’s spent at Project Chimps. In honor of this special occasion, we’re excited to shine a light on Angelic! 

Angelic (also known as “Angie” by her caregivers) has quite the personality. She’s a very dominant female in her group and excels at using group dynamics to her advantage. She’s a true “chimp’s chimp” and knows how to make connections with the right individuals. Although she’s mostly independent, she spends enough time grooming with the other chimps to maintain good relationships. 

Because Angie has a larger than average swelling, the young male chimps in the group are very interested in her. This is especially true for Kivuli, the youngest in the group! Angelic uses this to her benefit to get extra food items from the male chimps from time to time. She loves any and all food, but she’s especially fond of produce! 

Angelic loves the habitat and spends a lot of time lounging on the platforms, especially when it’s sunny out. She’s friends with Veronica and (sometimes) Zana, two other female chimps in her group. She seems to prefer nesting with paper, cardboard and wood wool over blankets. Recently she’s been interacting with her caregivers much more and has even started playing with them from time to time! 

We’re thrilled to be able to celebrate Angie’s 27th birthday here at Project Chimps. If you’d like to send a birthday gift, she’d love some nesting paper or snacks from our Amazon Wishlist

Happy birthday, Angie! It’s a true honor to celebrate your third birthday at the sanctuary. Thank you for gracing us with your presence! 

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