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Celebrating EDDIE’s 20th birthday! 


It’s another exciting day at Project Chimps as we celebrate Eddie’s 20th birthday! For Eddie, it’s not just a milestone year. It’s also the seventh birthday he has celebrated at the sanctuary! 

Eddie has an adventurous spirit and is eager to experience new things. He’s often one of the first chimps out the door in the morning and last to return in the afternoon. In fact, he’s even been known to request his juice be poured into a toy so he can take it to-go! 

He especially loves being outdoors when he can enjoy the sun while making his rounds around the habitat. Sometimes, he’ll get so caught up enjoying the moment that he won’t even notice how much time has passed. When this happens, his best friend Lance goes back out to call him inside for dinnertime! 

But as much as Eddie loves the outdoors, he’s also a huge foodie! According to his caregivers, he has one of the loudest and most memorable food squeaks. He enjoys almost everything but pears and corn are personal faves. 

When he’s not busy exploring, Eddie enjoys playing follow the leader with his fellow chimps. In terms of his social skills, he uses his position within his group wisely. While Eddie’s good friends with each of his group mates, there are a select few he seems especially close with.  

He gets along well with twins Buttercup and Charisse and lives with his older sister Samira in Cedar Tree villa. Another chimp it seems he’ll always have a special bond with is occasional troublemaker Lance. These two can often be found sitting together with Eddie’s arm draped over Lance’s shoulders. 

This year on May 31st, we hope you’ll help us celebrate Eddie’s milestone 20th birthday! If you’d like to send a birthday present, he’s a big fan of the jolly balls on our Amazon Wishlist! You can also send him one from a horse toy supplier — those are usually chimp proof. Either way, thank you for helping us support his continued care. This mission wouldn’t be possible without you! 

Happy birthday, Eddie! We can’t wait to see all the adventures that await you up ahead! 

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