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Celebrating KATE’s 38th birthday! 

Kate-Straw Smile-May2023 IS

You may know Rusty as the oldest male chimpanzee at Project Chimps, and you’d be right! But did you know Kate is the oldest female chimp? Today, we’re honored to celebrate Kate’s 38th birthday at the sanctuary by sharing a bit about what makes her special. 

As the third oldest chimp living at the sanctuary, Kate stands out amongst her peers. Some caregivers feel Kate’s short name can’t accurately represent her grand presence, leading them to bestow the nickname “Kathline.” One caregiver joked they enjoy thinking that she is “older than the dinosaurs.” 

Kate is also the mother of LB, another chimp living here in sanctuary. According to her caregivers, Kate loves to drink “literally any liquid,” but she has a special fondness for juice. She’s quite theatrical and seems to delight in following her own dramatic routine for entering and exiting a room. As she can be a bit slow due to her age, Kate will always announce her presence when she arrives. She also absolutely must get water before she exits any room. 

Although Kate may be on the older side, that’s not to say she doesn’t enjoy exploring the outdoors. She has what caregivers refer to as a “habitat face” and loves venturing outside. 

Kate enjoys her routine of sitting on top of the medical tunnel and having grooming parties with the other females. She loves peanut butter and is an excellent nest builder — using toys, blankets, paper, and boxes (she even uses basketballs). 

This year on June 10th, we hope you’ll help us wish Kate (Kathline) a very happy 38th birthday! If you’d like to send a birthday gift to help celebrate, Kate would love peanut butter or nesting material! Please consider checking out our Amazon Wishlist or dedicating a donation in her honor. Thank you so much for helping us support her continued care! 

Happy birthday, Kathline! We can’t wait to celebrate your special day! 

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