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Celebrating QUINTIN’s 22nd birthday! 

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Quintin may be one of the largest males at Project Chimps but that doesn’t mean he’s stopped growing! This year, he’s grown by stepping out of his more reserved social role to explore his group’s social dynamics. We’re so excited to celebrate his 22nd birthday and share what he’s been up to! 

After 14 years in research, Quintin first arrived at Project Chimps in 2016. He’s always been on the quieter side when compared to other more outgoing males at the sanctuary. However, recently he’s started using his intelligence to gain a more fluid understanding of the social dynamics in his group.  

Quintin’s become more comfortable displaying or causing trouble inside the villas, especially when he shifts the blame to someone else! Usually, that unlucky chimp will be Marlon, who ends up getting in trouble over him. When not engaged in a rowdy play session or game of chase, Quintin occasionally interacts with females from neighboring groups. 

Quintin’s favorite items to receive are probably new blankets! He often displays with them, holding the blanket in front of him and performing a little shimmy. He’s also a big fan of bubbles and other forms of enrichment. One caregiver shared a favorite memory of Quintin’s reaction when they set up some fishing tube enrichment for the chimps. 

“He was SO excited to dive right into them and the mixture was pink and a little too watery. It dripped onto his distinct brow ridge and he had a pink unibrow,” they recalled. Even so, they added that Quintin is a “sleek and handsome fella!” 

Quintin is also a true corn connoisseur! When he sees corn, he’ll burst into happy food squeaks and rush off with his meal in hand. After he’s finished, he’ll often try to convince caregivers that he hasn’t had any yet. Quintin broke his tooth in the past year, which has since fallen out. Luckily, this hasn’t impacted his ability to eat corn, which he still enjoys wholeheartedly! 

This year on May 24th, we hope you’ll help us wish Quintin a happy 22nd birthday! If you’d like to send him a birthday gift, he’d love a blanket or chimp-safe bubbles from our Amazon Wishlist!  

Happy 22nd birthday, Quintin! 

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