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Celebrating SAMIRA’s 21st birthday! 

Harmony winter pix

Today is May 17th, a double birthday at Project Chimps and a day we celebrate the princess herself! “Princess” Samira earned her royal nickname due to her sophistication, elegance and dignified nature. While her nickname is still Princess, some think it might be about time to crown her the queen!  

Samira can be very particular, especially when it comes to things that are sticky or wet. One of her most unique habits is the way she chooses to move while in the habitat. When the grass is wet, Samira tiptoes across with her hands raised until she reaches a dry area.  

She’s also very picky about her food, both in presentation and the type of food she accepts. For example, she despises when corn silk touches her pears! Before making it clear this was unacceptable, caregivers once offered her a pear with a few strands of corn silk. Samira was so horrified by this egregious error that she immediately threw the pear out of her sight. 

She may hate pears with a side of corn silk, but Samira absolutely adores peanut butter. She always looks forward to her morning peanut butter cup, which contains medication helping manage her allergies and dry skin. After collecting her chow, she retires to a corner where she daintily proceeds to eat, one item at a time. 

Samira is one of the higher-ranking chimps in her group, helping to keep the others in line. You can often catch her in the habitat or hanging out with Gracie and Latricia. However, she also plays a big sister role for her biological brother Eddie and honorary brother Lance! They weren’t always friends, but now Samira and Lance have a sibling-type relationship and enjoy spending time together.  

We hope you’ll help us wish Samira a happy 21st birthday this year! If you’d like to send her a birthday gift, please consider sending her some peanut butter from our Amazon Wishlist.  

Samira is also one of the featured chimps you can sponsor monthly or annually here at Project Chimps. If you love her unique personality as much as we do and want to receive biannual email updates about her, please consider becoming a sponsor and supporting her continued care! 

Happy birthday, Samira! You’ll always be the princess of our hearts! 

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