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Celebrating SASHA’s 37th birthday! 

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If you’ve ever wanted an example of what it means to age gracefully, look no further than Sasha! We can’t wait to celebrate her 37th birthday and highlight her unique personality in this special birthday blog! 

For humans, 37 may not seem very old but Sasha is actually the second oldest female resident at Project Chimps. You can identify her by the silver hair on her lower back and legs, making it look like she’s wearing “silver pants.” She also has a pointed tuft of hair crowning the top of her head! 

Sasha has a mild and sweet disposition but that doesn’t mean she’s happy to let anyone else push her around. She’s one of the highest-ranking female chimps in her group and has strong bonds with both the males and females. Recently, she and Dawn have seemed interested in the chimps from Cedar Tree and have been hanging around nearby. 

Sasha has several unique habits and personality quirks that her caregivers have picked up on over the years. For example, they can tell when she’s feeling stressed because Sasha will “twirl” around on one foot. Also of note, when she wants something, she holds one of her hands out, makes intense eye contact, and a deep breathy “hoo.” In addition, while Sasha loves tearing up chimp and monkey stuffed animals, she doesn’t tear up stuffed bears! 

Sasha is a big juice fan and savors every bite of her meals. She takes a glucosamine supplement for her joints and really looks forward to the peanut butter she gets with it. She also likes to squish her oranges before eating them! 

Today, on August 16th, we hope you’ll help us wish Sasha a happy 37th birthday! If you’d like to send her a birthday gift, please consider some peanut butter from our Amazon Wishlist. Whether you send a gift or make a donation in her honor, thank you so much for supporting her care! 

Happy birthday, Sasha! Here’s hoping we can celebrate many, many more with you! 

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