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Dreams Come True at Project Chimps


By Luke Shannon

Dreams come true at Project Chimps. Just ask Janice Hudson-Huff, 60, who spoke about how the non-profit has helped her realize her own.


Janice moved all over the country with her family while growing up. She lived in Canada, California, New York, North Carolina, and Georgia. However, her love for animals was constant throughout her childhood.

“From a very young age -early single digits- I always wanted to work with animals with higher intelligence,” she said. “I was enamored with animal behavior.”

Janice carried a book about the subject with her into grade 13.

Finding her Niche

However, life gets in the way. Janice never was able to study animals in college, despite it being her dream to do so.

She has worked as an assistant in many genre’s of industries and now works as secretary assistant for aviation school for jet mechanics. There, she said, she serves as a maternal figure to many of the students. She provides them with guidance and advice from her own life.

Janice seems happy to do this- but still wanted to fulfill the dream she has always had.

Project Harvest

One unique aspect of campus Janice takes part in is Project Harvest. Project Harvest features a garden that grows all-organic foods for the chimps. Janice explained that the more food is grown on campus, the less money has to go to buying it. This means more can go toward the chimps’ other needs!

She said that Project Harvest is one example of a larger theme at Project Chimps. The garden itself has nothing to do with working with the primates but helps a great deal! There are plenty of ways to assist at Project Chimps without actually working with the chimps themselves.

Dreams Come True

Janice discovered Project Chimps when reading a magazine-but was disappointed to learn campus was 2 hours from home. In the end, her desire to make her dreams come true gave her the push she needed to volunteer.

“I wasn’t sure, but I thought, ‘if not now, when?’,” Janice said.

Janice has formed connections with the chimps since volunteering. She said that what she has learned about chimp behavior has helped her in understanding humans.

She started getting involved at Project Chimps in late 2019 to early 2020. She has since volunteered in chimp care, the kitchen and facilities.


Janice took some time to discuss what has made her time here so special. Aside from having the chance to make her dreams come true, she has been able to reflect.

“To be there, even though you’re working your heinie off- I’ve never come away unhappy. I’ve always come away satisfied, having learned something, and looking forward to coming back. It’s been nothing but a positive experience,” she said.

PC Memories

Janice called herself ‘lucky’ for having the experiences she has had at Project Chimps and the people she has connected with.

She remembers Dec. 20, 2019 fondly- the day that Kirk’s group went outside for the first time ever. Janice was a brand-new volunteer at the time, but said the experience helped her know she wanted to spend a lot more time volunteering with those chimps.

Relationship With Chimps

Like many volunteers, Janice has had a chance to form a personal connection with many chimps here. One thing that stood out to her was how similar they are to us. She said she has learned quite a bit about herself and others in her life by interacting with the chimps.

More than that, Janice sees volunteering as a chance to help others who have helped her.

They’ve given so much-not of their own free will- so it’s up to us to give back in some way,” she said.


Janice spoke about the people she has met at Project Chimps, additionally.

“I’ve formed friendships which will never go away,” she said. “You see the love everyone has for the chimps.”

Janice’s friends pose with a visiting chimp

She said that, despite the long drive to and from her house, she tries to make it to campus whenever she can.

Janice is not in every day, but her volunteering makes a difference in the lives of 81 chimps every time she comes in.

You, too, can volunteer with Project Chimps, by submitting a volunteer application on the website, or by sending an email to

Luke Shannon is a 2022 Winter Communications Intern
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