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Is there such thing as “too much napping”?

chimpanzee napping

It is known at the sanctuary that napping is a daily routine for the chimps. It is a perfect time to soak up the sun or spend some alone time away from the other chimps. The chimps sometimes nap for hours, but depending on their daily activities and habits – is there really such thing as too much napping?

Napping Schedule

The napping schedules vary chimp to chimp. Their napping routines depend of their daily activities. Usually the chimps are active in the morning, since they eat breakfast and socialize. Throughout the rest of day, the chimps will spend their time relaxing, playing, snacking, and napping. The more activity a chimp puts into their morning, the more likely they will spend the rest of the day napping.

chimpanzee napping
Jermaine on “his spot” on the upper decking of a bedroom.

Candy, a volunteer at the sanctuary, mentioned that sometimes the chimps experience “burnout”. This usually happens when a chimp spends a lot of their energy eating or socializing and is in need of some relaxation. Eat, sleep, and repeat!

Favorite locations

The chimps’ favorite place to nap and layout are on the platforms in each enclosure. The chimps will stretch their limbs and sleep under the sun, also known as sunbathing! Leo, however, is known for creating his own nest inside the villa. Depending on the chimp and their comfort zones, their napping positions always differ.

Leo preparing for a nap.

When Leo creates his nests, he always grabs multiple blankets and curls up in a corner of the villa. Candy recalled the numerous times she witnessed Leo snuggled up during the day in his usual corner. He appreciates his alone time in his nest and sometimes covers his eyes with the blanket to show that he does not want anyone looking at him.

Because the materials used for the chimps’ nests are cleaned and replaced every day, it can be difficult trying to get the chimps to move. Leo often does not want to get up during this part of day and can be stubborn, deciding on his own time when he wants to move. Luckily, a little bribery of some juice or nuts persuades him to get up his cozy napping corner.

chimpanzee napping
Emma in a cardboard box nest preparing to nap.

Group Naps

Other chimps around the sanctuary have their own napping routines as well. While Leo likes to nap alone, many other chimps prefer relaxing in group settings. Sometimes the chimps nap in groups of 3 to 4, basically laying on top of each other. There is no such thing as “personal space” in these napping groups.

Kivuli has been known to nap in the firehose hammock in his villa. There have some occasions when all 14 chimps in that villa pile into the firehose hammock with Kivuli. He does not mind the lack of space, as most chimps are used to relaxing close to one another. They are social creatures, and even during naps they find a way to be near each other. It is a precious sight to behold.

The chimps have the freedom to relax whenever they choose. Being raised in research facilities, these chimps did not have access to the outdoors, much less the opportunity to truly relax and feel comfortable. It is a wonderful feeling knowing these chimps have the opportunity to behave normally by living (and napping) comfortably in natural spaces. At the end of the day, do you think there is such thing as too much napping?

chimpanzee napping
Latricia preparing to nap outdoors.

If you would like to help provide materials for nest making for the chimps, donate here or check out our Amazon Wishlist!

Madelyn Kos is a 2020 intern in the Communications Department.
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