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Candy Retter’s Love for Animals


By Luke Shannon

If it’s at Project Chimps, there’s a good chance Candy Retter has contributed to it because of her love for animals.

The 69-year-old has been here at the sanctuary for some of its most incredible moments and helps make it the special place it is. But how did she get here?

Life before PC

Candy grew up in Bethpage, New York before moving to Florida. She graduated from the University of Tampa with degrees in history and political science.

“I always loved being around animals,” she said. “But I didn’t know how to make that a career- I didn’t want to be a vet.”

However, she would find a way to make a career out of her love for animals.

Candy Retter has always had a soft spot for animals.

Love for Animals: Dogs and Cats

Despite not having a background in the field, Candy’s love for animals led her to becoming a groomer. She worked with dogs and cats for almost 40 years.

With five cats of her own, Candy joked that her husband, Frank, who would later join her as a volunteer, was relieved when she heard of Project Chimps.

“I was going to volunteer at a shelter for cats and dogs before I heard about this place,” she said. “I think my husband was happy to know I couldn’t be bringing anybody home with me.”

Getting Involved

When she and her husband moved to the North Georgia mountains, Candy was not yet aware of Project Chimps being so close by. Luckily, she knew Jill Nielsen, a volunteer here herself, as her patient. Jill recommended that Candy come use her skills and passion for animals at Project Chimps.

She started in 2018, about a year after the first chimps moved onto campus. When COVID-19 struck, Candy went to the place she calls her ‘home away from home’ even more frequently. She knew that not many were able to volunteer at this time and saw it as an opportunity to step up. She would earn the ‘down and dirty’ award in 2020 for all the time she put into keeping chimp villas clean.

“When people ask what I did during the pandemic,” Candy joked, “I say I shoveled poop.”

Volunteer of the Year

Despite her modesty, Candy has done plenty more to help the chimps than clean up after them. She said that chimp care is her favorite because of how busy it is and because she loves being around the chimps. However, she has also logged significant hours in the kitchen, with tour groups, and on the various trails around campus.

As a trail volunteer, Candy mostly helps keep the ‘yellow’ trail clear of debris and safe for hiking. She is also assisting with organizing the 5k planned for March.

Additionally, due to all her hard work, Candy has risen through the volunteer ranks throughout the years. Starting as a red shirt in the kitchen, she worked her way up to a yellow shirt, and finally gained the purple shirt- the highest one a volunteer can get- just a few months ago. She was even named the 2019 Volunteer of the Year for her incredible service!

Candy was awarded 2019 Volunteer of the Year for all her help around campus.

Favorite Memories

Candy recalled the moment a group of chimps who had recently been imported from the New Iberia lab went outside for the first time. They had never before seen grass or the sky, and Candy saw for herself a moment that would soon go viral.

“You could see them hugging each other,” Candy said. “They were so brave.”

She also has fond memories of Cowboy Day, which saw the chimps get new toys- and wanted posters.

PC Community

Finally, Candy spoke highly of the other volunteers and staff at Project Chimps.

“You have to have a real passion to do it,” she said.

Candy is not in every day, but her volunteering makes a difference in the lives of 80+ chimps every time she comes in. You, too, can volunteer with Project Chimps, by submitting a volunteer application on the website, or by sending an email to

If, like Candy, you have a love for animals, you’ll be happy you did.

Luke Shannon is a 2022 Winter Communications Intern
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