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Meet Purple Shirt, Debbie Barton


By Luke Shannon

A purple shirt commands a lot of respect around here.

Becoming a Purple Shirt

Debbie Barton wears one because of the over 950 hours she has put into volunteering at Project Chimps. Volunteers start with a red shirt before working their way up to yellow. Only a select few have obtained the purple shirt.

Debbie’s attire gives her instant recognition in the kitchen. Here, all the chimps’ meals are prepared a day ahead of time. She uses her countless hours of experience to guide the newer volunteers toward how they can best assist in the mission of Project Chimps today.

A natural leader, Debbie has the kitchen buzzing within minutes of the start of this 8:30am shift. Every volunteer and intern knows exactly where to be and what to do thanks to Debbie. Questions are always met with a kind explanation and tutorial.

Now semi-retired, Debbie was a realtor in her everyday life. However, ironically, she has been unable to find housing closer to Project Chimps, despite searching extensively. No matter. She makes the hour-and-a-half drive each way without any complaints to help her great ape friends in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Impact on PC

And yes, she helps quite a bit. Before long, a group of chimp caregivers enter the kitchen to pick up supplies and are amazed at the progress that has already been made so early in this day.

“Thank you guys so much,” one of them says. “You have no idea how much this helps.”

Debbie seems to know, though.

“Sometimes, when we don’t have volunteers here, the caregivers have to prepare all the meals for the chimps themselves,” she explained. “They’ll delay their own lunch to make sure the chimps have everything they need. All we’re doing here today helps them out so much, and they’re really appreciative of that.”

Debbie leading a tour during Discovery Days.


Debbie instructed the newer volunteers to make enrichment activities for the chimps. Just like us, food really motivates the chimpanzees, and we can use that to make sure they’re using their brains to get it! Today, we take a mixture of solid foods, wrap them in newspaper, add more solid food, wrap that in newspaper, and add another layer of newspaper to tie the whole thing together. No waste created- the newspapers would have been thrown out anyway- but an engaging game for the chimps to play. With a reward of plenty of sunflower seeds and cereal waiting for them, they will be very motivated!

 By the end of the day, 117 these treats are made, 102 of which amazingly being made by Debbie herself (“Just practice,” she said.)

It Takes a Village

Debbie was clear that every volunteer at Project Chimps deserves credit for its success.

“It takes a village to work in the kitchen and at PC,” Debbie said. “We have amazing volunteers that put their hearts and souls into wherever they are working and whatever they are doing.”


Debbie was born in Macon GA and moved to Chicago in high school. She has lived all over the country and said she loved the experiences she got. In mid-2018, Debbie moved to Dalton, GA from Tampa, FL., where she was a full time Realtor for over 20 years. She still practices in Tampa when the opportunity presents itself. When she is not at Project Chimps, she volunteers twice a week at HSNWGA, Dalton’s Humane Society.

Debbie said her first experience with Project Chimps was at the Discovery Day weekend in fall 2018.

“The minute we arrived on property and heard the chimps’ hoots, pants and hollering I knew I had to be a part of this mission,” she said. “After our tour, I found Ali and Kathryn and asked how to sign up for volunteering. Rest is history. Have loved every minute…This is my happy place.”

PC Memories

Like many here, Debbie has a few different ways she helps the chimps. She volunteers in the kitchen, leading educational tours, chimp care, events and outreach.

Debbie also said it has been a ‘wonderful experience’ to see the chimps become more comfortable and feel secure. She called it ‘heartwarming.’

Debbie getting ready for a tour in “Fancy” one of the carts available to take folks on driven tours.

“Love the interactions between caregivers and their chimps. My favorite experiences are when the chimps interact with our guests, especially the children,” she said. “I fondly call the kids ‘chimp magnets.’ There is no telling how the chimps will show off. The kids really enjoy. I’ve had a few tell me it was ‘the best day of their life,’ could they move to PC and of course, can I have one.”

Getting Involved

Based off her own experience, Debbie said that new volunteers have many opportunities at PC.  She said most start in the kitchen- the best place to see the chimps. Debbie added that the more hours you put in, the more opportunities you have.

“Most strive for the coveted ‘yellow shirt,’” she said. “Having this and additional training allows you to go into the villas as a chimp care assistant. What an experience it is!”

“All one needs is a huge heart and a love for animals,” Debbie said. “All of our training begins at PC. There are refresher classes throughout the year in the areas you prefer to serve. Heads of all departments are eager to have volunteers!”

Debbie is not in every day, but her volunteering makes a difference in the lives of 81 chimps every time she comes in. You, too, can volunteer with Project Chimps and earn a purple shirt, by submitting a volunteer application on the website, or by sending an email to

Luke Shannon is a 2022 Winter Communications Intern
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