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Rosemary Among 10 Female Chimps to Reach Sanctuary

Chimpanzee Rosemary

Rosemary spent the first 25 years of her life in medical research. During those long years, she gave birth several times but only one survived. Thankfully, her surviving daughter, Chloe, is already here in permanent sanctuary at Project Chimps!
Though they may not know one another, they can now roam the forest of our sanctuary in peace for the rest of their days. 

Chimpanzee Rosemary
Rosemary, 25, retired to Project Chimps in early November with nine female group mates.

Rosemary is one of ten female #NewChimps who just relocated from the New Iberia Research Center to permanent sanctuary at Project Chimps. Together, they are acclimating to their new home in Cedar Tree Villa.

Photo collage of ten female chimpanzees

Learn more about Rosemary; see images of the first live music performance for the chimps; watch the video animation of the chimps’ recent movements to new villas; and meet the newest members of our Chimpanzee Care team, Jennifer and Sara . It’s all included in our November news.

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