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Lizzy and her Grinch

At the sanctuary, chimps have toys that they gravitate towards. Plush toys can be a short-lived favorite at the sanctuary, only lasting a few days before being turned into a fluffy mess. Lizzy treats her green friend differently, even going as far as to carefully groom her Grinch toy.

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Feeding Chimpanzees

A large factor of providing care for any animal is keeping them fed. Every animal has specialized nutritional needs, and providing for each of these needs is incredibly important. At Project Chimps, the same is true as well. Feeding chimpanzees is always a very important daily duty at our sanctuaries.

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The Perfected Hand Eating Techniques

No utensils? No problem. Chimpanzees use their hands for basically everything – including eating. They rely on their hands in the same way humans do, if not more! When it comes to eating, the chimps are always showing off their hand eating skills.

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A Chimp’s Guide to Stealing Food

Stealing food is a strategic business in the chimp world. While it may sound like a simple interaction, there are actually many reasons why chimps steal food – and no, it is not just because they are hungry. Here is a chimp’s guide to stealing food while keeping a clean slate.

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Chimp Diets – What’s on the Menu at Project Chimps?

Just like humans, chimpanzees have their own unique dietary needs and preferences. For example, you will probably try in vain to get a chimp to eat foods such as kiwi, squash, kale, and green beans. But you will be very popular if you present favorites such as onions, eggplant, sweet potatoes, apples, and bananas.

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A Harvest for chimpanzees

There’s no denying that chimps love to eat! Here at Project Chimps, their diet consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. In addition to daily breakfast and dinner services where each chimp gets a full meal, caretakers also scatter different food items like cabbage, nuts, seeds, carrots and tomatoes over their enclosures for lunch and dinner enrichment. This allows the chimps to engage in one of their natural behaviors — foraging.

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Outside Looking In: Enrichment

We all have these preconceived notions of what we think we know about chimps, myself included. It’s not our fault, really; we only know what we are taught. But trust me when I say that no carefully crafted nature documentary or Hollywood film could do them any justice.

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Girl Power

gertrude and latricia chimpanzee eating together

In the chimp world, females control a lot. Even though chimps live in a patriarchal hierarchy, the girls have a lot of influence. This understanding allows us to perceive chimp life and how it works.

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