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Chimp Chew Toys

At the sanctuary, caregivers are careful to only give the chimps toys that we think will withstand the 1300 PSI bite force of chimpanzees. Hard rubber toys made for large dogs are great when looking for chimp chew toys. Marlon’s favorite rose chew toy is a perfect example of this!

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The Perfect Companion

Chimpanzees are playful by nature, and the right toy can provide them outlets to have fun! Chimps have different personalities and preferences that influence what they play with. Emma chooses to play with a simple toy that her unique mind can run wild with. Making up creative ways to play.

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Plush Toys

Stuffed animals at the sanctuary usually only last a few days. This is thanks to chimps being so strong. Because of this, some chimps here at the sanctuary aren’t allowed to have fragile toys. But some chimps have much more of a gentle touch when it comes to their toys.

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The Color Blue

Everyone in the world has their own favorite color. Chimps have their own favorite colors too! When it comes to toys, Jabari absolutely adores the color blue. His favorite choice of toy? A set of chewy keys, each a different color. His favorite key? It’s the blue one of course!

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Playing With Chimps

Playing with chimpanzees can often prove to be dangerous. Both humans and chimpanzees are at risk of harming each other, even if they don’t always mean to. Despite this, Haylee has found a safe way to have fun with caregivers. Her secret? A winning personality and some creative tool use.

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“Baby” Chimps

It isn’t exactly known why some of the females in harmony display motherly behaviors with their plush toys. None of them have had experience mothering young. Maybe it’s their natural instincts? Or maybe it’s just their way of having fun! Even the group alpha, Kareem gets in on the fun!

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Lizzy and her Grinch

At the sanctuary, chimps have toys that they gravitate towards. Plush toys can be a short-lived favorite at the sanctuary, only lasting a few days before being turned into a fluffy mess. Lizzy treats her green friend differently, even going as far as to carefully groom her Grinch toy.

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Feeding Chimpanzees

A large factor of providing care for any animal is keeping them fed. Every animal has specialized nutritional needs, and providing for each of these needs is incredibly important. At Project Chimps, the same is true as well. Feeding chimpanzees is always a very important daily duty at our sanctuaries.

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Simple Toys

Chimps love a good puzzle. Sometimes though, complex puzzles and toys aren’t for every chimp. A squeaky toy can be all a chimp needs to have fun and Paul knows this. His favorite toy is as simple as they come, but he wont let that stop him from having fun.

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