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The Work/Play Balance of a Chimp Monarch


by Fred Rubio

It’s no secret that Kareem is a talented leader of his group of 14 chimpanzees, any of his caregivers can testify to that. When we all first met Kareem at Project Chimps we were awe-struck by his sheer size – was it possible there was a mix-up and we received a full-grown gorilla instead of a chimpanzee? As surprising as his physical enormity was, it would not be nearly as surprising as the calm firmness of his hand while intervening in the squabbles of his group mates.

Kareem in the Peachtree Habitat by Fred Rubio
Kareem in the Peachtree Habitat. Photo by Fred Rubio

Reining with Stoicism

Kareem does not tolerate loud and rowdy fights; they clearly annoy him and he reacts instantly to cut the offended screams short every time. Whether out of his own love of serene silence or a genuine concern for peace among his friends, we caregivers admire Kareem for his ability to settle chimpanzee conflicts expertly and efficiently with confidence that matches his size.

And if that isn’t enough to get you on board with Team Kareem, then consider the fact that although he possesses strong self-assurance that would lead to almost any other male to be pushy for first dibs at meal time, Kareem always patiently waits until most if not all of his group mates have been served their food before he approaches a food hopper to ask for his own. What a guy.

His Own Court Jester

With the diligence that Kareem shows in maintaining the peace, it would be easy for someone to imagine Kareem to be a rather self-serious dominant male, but that could not be further from the truth. Although Kareem takes his role as diplomat seriously, he is absolutely not above compromising his dignity to playfully bite Noel’s foot in an enthusiastic wrestling match, or soliciting one of his caregivers to follow him throughout the rooms of his large indoor home.

It is by no means a rare occurrence for Kareem to side-eye one of his human friends and forcefully stomp a foot on the floor – a summons to engage in play with the King of Chateau. Whizzing in a lumbering manner from one corner of a cubby to the next, he will respectfully wait for you to catch up to him by the mesh before racing off on the next leg of the race.

Kareem sitting on a blue scale
Kareem sitting on the scale in on of the cubbies in the McGrath Chateau (he weighed in at 85kgs that day). Photo by Sam Jones

Jousting Matches

It is sometimes a double edged sword playing with Kareem, as he typically signals the start of a new play bout just as you are passing by to see to some pressing task, but it is unwise to not heed the call of a king, even if doing so makes you winded from energetically following him from room to room. Whatever the case, it is always a privilege and an honor to be invited to play with such an incredible individual.

Kareem and I make the most of our play sessions, because we both know that at any moment another disagreement may erupt among his group mates, and that he as king will need to withdraw from our jousting match in order to see to the needs of his kingdom. Cutting play short is the burden of leadership, but fortunately Kareem is wise enough to know that having heavy responsibilities doesn’t mean it isn’t okay to goof off now and again.

Long live King Kareem!

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