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Celebrating LIZZY’s 34th birthday! 

Lizzy 5

It’s another double birthday at Project Chimps and an extra special one at that! Chimps Lizzy and Jamie were both born on the same day exactly one year apart. We’re so excited to celebrate Lizzy’s birthday and share a little about what makes her special! 

Lizzy (affectionately also called “Liz Biz” and “Elizabeth”) was born on August 6, 1990, making her 34 years old. She arrived at Project Chimps in 2021 with four other older females who joined one of the groups in Laurie & Carlee McGrath Chateau. This group, known as “Side A,” mostly consisted of younger males and really benefited from a mature female influence.  

Because of the group dynamics, caregivers opt to separate the group during mealtimes to help decrease food stealing. Generally, Lizzy eats her meals in cubby one with her friends Leo and Angelic. However, caregivers say that recently she’s decided to start eating with the other females in her group!   

Lizzy is very food and juice motivated. In the mornings, Lizzy will sit at the mesh waiting for care staff to come and serve her. Sometimes if she feels like staff are taking too long, she shoves out pieces of cardboard to them! 

She has gentle eyes, a long, lanky build and a silver back, but that’s not the only way to spot her! If you investigate the habitat, you might be able to spot Lizzy by checking for a particular toy. Lizzy adores stuffed toys and is always seen holding one or incorporating them into her elaborate nests. However, her favorite plush of all is, without a doubt, her stuffed Grinch! 

Lizzy and her Grinch make quite the pair! According to her caregivers, the two of them are practically inseparable. Lizzy takes excellent care of him, carrying him around with her everywhere she goes. She even helps keep him clean by grooming him! While we can’t say for sure why Lizzy loves her Grinch so much, we’re very happy they found each other! 

Thank you so much for helping us celebrate Lizzy’s 34th birthday! If you’d like to send her a birthday gift, please consider a stuffed toy from our Amazon Wishlist. It may not be her favorite Grinch, but she’d love to use it in one of her nests! 

Happy birthday, Lizzy! We hope you and your stuffed animal friends have the best day ever! 

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