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Awkward Adolescence

Kivuli and Oscar Then & Now

By Violet Bishop

A crucial part of growing up is maturing and learning about your environment. Kivuli and Oscar are navigating awkward adolescence as they grow up at the sanctuary. They are the youngest residents, and we are excited to watch them mature. 

Meet Kivuli 

Kivuli is the youngest chimp at the sanctuary. He came to us when he was only seven years old. When Kivuli first arrived, he was incredibly playful and curious. He made friends fast. When caregivers introduced Kivuli to another group of chimps, he and Lucky bonded quickly. Chimp groups are introduced over time, with smaller numbers meeting each other at different times until everyone is comfortable. When they had to be separated, Kivuli and Lucky would hug each other. Kivuli also connected with Hercules. He used Hercules as a comforting parental presence because he was separated from his mom. Now that Kivuli is growing up, he is learning more about his rank within his family. 

adolescent chimp Kivuli

Kivuli is lower-ranked among the males. Within chimp social groups, males are ranked higher than females. However, once females joined Kivuli’s group, he ranked above them. Kivuli is good friends with the girls. Lucky often hangs out with him in the habitat. 

Big Changes 

As Kivuli has gotten older, he has gone through a couple of changes. First, he has started to display more, especially when the other males aren’t around. Chimps display to show their dominance and a young male might test this out on females before trying it around males. Kivuli has the nickname “sour patch” because while he is usually sweet to his female friends, he becomes rude or sour when he is displaying. 

Kivuli has also become physically bigger. Holly noticed that his hands have gotten significantly larger than when he first came to the sanctuary. His adult canine teeth are also starting to come in. Kivuli has gotten stronger with age. 

Meet Oscar 

Oscar and Kivuli have been buddies since the beginning. Oscar is our second youngest chimp, who arrived at the same time as Kivuli. Both of them are at the bottom of their social group. As Oscar has gone through his version of awkward adolescence, he has a gained slightly more confidence, especially around the other boys. He is more self-assured during meals. Although Oscar hasn’t gone through many dramatic changes, he is displaying more and playing less. 

adolescent chimp Oscar

Although Oscar has outgrown the all-day roughhousing, he still loves to be an instigator. Harriett and Oscar act like siblings, and Oscar loves to tease and irritate her. He will make a play face as he teases her until she’s had enough. 

Mental Growth 

Oscar is very curious. He loves to solve puzzles and explore the outdoor habitat. For example, there is a “termite mound” in the main enclosure with tubes running through it. Caregivers put food inside as a challenge for the chimps. And then they get a tasty reward. Oscar loves it. He also explores the entire outdoor space, going over the hill into the trees. Interestingly, Kivuli is always within eyeshot of the main building where their bedrooms are. 

Kivuli and Oscar have grown, together and independently, to get through their awkward adolescence. 

You can help our young chimps continue to grow by making a donation or purchasing an item from our Amazon Wishlist.

Violet Bishop is a 2021 Summer Communications Intern

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