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Call for Sculpture – Remembrance Garden 

Project Chimps is accepting proposals for a new outdoor sculpture that will honor chimpanzees who were used in medical research at our Remembrance Garden – a cemetery for chimps who have passed away at sanctuary.  The request is for a large-scale, three-dimensional work that is able to command the space and make a bold “welcome”…

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Chimp Tattoos

At Project Chimps its not uncommon to see a tattoo here and there. Like many people some of the staff are tattooed. Did you know some chimps have tattoos as well? Why would a chimp have a tattoo? Chimp tattoos seem very odd. This blog will explain. We’ll also look at some of the interesting tattoos our staff have that celebrate their connection to chimps.

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A Harvest for chimpanzees

There’s no denying that chimps love to eat! Here at Project Chimps, their diet consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. In addition to daily breakfast and dinner services where each chimp gets a full meal, caretakers also scatter different food items like cabbage, nuts, seeds, carrots and tomatoes over their enclosures for lunch and dinner enrichment. This allows the chimps to engage in one of their natural behaviors — foraging.

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Tawnya Williams – Chimpanzee Care Supervisor

Female looking at the camera

Tawnya has been with Project Chimps for four years as a Caregiver. In her new role as Chimpanzee Care Supervisor, she will lead a team of Caregivers and Caregiver Aides. Tawnya’s team is responsible for providing food, enrichment, and training for 50 chimps.

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Kate Donovan – Behavior Coordinator

This month, Project Chimps launched a new Behavior Program led by Kate, who has been working at Project Chimps for nearly three years as a Caregiver and Chimpanzee Care Supervisor. In her new role, she will implement guidelines to improve chimp behavior and quality of life.

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How we adapt to Covid-19

Nine months into the pandemic, it is clear that Covid-19 will be a factor long-term. That leaves sanctuaries like Project Chimps to make the decision around moving forward safely or remaining at a standstill. We have made the decision to move forward-safely. We continue to watch the bulletins coming to us from the Zoo and…

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Upcoming Events

child painting a rock next to two people seeing a chimp through a window

As Georgia is opening back up, we are both excited and cautious. We are excited because we have missed our community and look forward to welcoming people back on site to have an opportunity to see the chimps! We are very cautious; however, as first and foremost the health of the chimps, staff, and visitors is important to us. We will continue to monitor CDC guidelines and make adjustments to ensure the safety and health of all chimpanzees and humans involved.

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Coronavirus Response Update

Oscar chimp laying sideways on a hammock outdoors

As the threat of the Coronavirus continues, Project Chimps’ executive director, Ali Crumpacker, outlines more of the measures we are taking to ensure the short-term and long-term health of the chimps and our Project Chimps family.

Here are some of the things we are doing now, with the caveat that the situation is extremely fluid and that some of these actions may be revised in the days and weeks to come, in keeping with government and industry recommendations.

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Project Chimps Prepares for Coronavirus

A chimpanzee walking forward in the grass

As the world prepares for a potential Coronavirus pandemic,
so is Project Chimps.

Not only are we preparing for the potential medical threat
of the COVID-19 virus, we are also braced for the potential ripple effects of a pandemic, such as disruptions to food and medical supplies.

Here are some answers to questions about how we’re working to protect the chimps and our sanctuary team.

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