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Celebrating PAUL’s 22nd birthday! 


It’s another special day at Project Chimps, because today we’re able to celebrate Paul’s 22nd birthday! 

We’ve talked a little about Paul before, particularly about his struggles making other chimp friends. Paul is the smallest male in his group and is very low ranking. He’s also very human-oriented, meaning he tends to focus a lot on the humans around him.  

While this is still the case, Paul has done a great job branching out to the other chimps! He’s probably closest to Vicky, but recently he’s also been spending more time playing and grooming with other males. He’s started forming bonds with Prince and fraternal twins Kevin and Keith, which is especially exciting to see! 

Paul prefers staying inside rather than exploring the habitat with the rest of his group. Although he still hasn’t ventured into the habitat, he seems content hanging out inside or on the porch. He really enjoys training, and over the past year he’s mastered presenting his hands, feet, and top of his head. Paul also loves any toy that squeaks! He likes to carry them in his foot while walking so that it squeaks with each step. 

Paul’s preference for human interaction makes him very popular amongst care staff, volunteers, and interns. Perhaps because he pays such close attention, Paul can also be picky with who serves him his food. He doesn’t use the hopper, so all food and enrichment items are hand-served to him. When new caregivers are in training, it may take a few days before he’s willing to accept food from them. He loves pistachios and grape juice and is especially eager to take his first sip in the morning. 

To encourage Paul to seek group members for play and reassurance, caregivers monitor how much attention they give him. However, now they no longer need to be as strict! Paul has been doing a great job engaging with chimps as well as his caregivers, which is heartwarming to see. 

Today on May 23rd, we hope you’ll help wish Paul a happy 22nd birthday! If you’d like to send him a birthday gift, please consider sending juice or pistachios from our Amazon Wishlist! Whether you send a gift or make a donation in Paul’s honor, thank you for helping support his continued care. 

Happy birthday, Paul! We’re so proud of how much you’ve grown! 

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