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Celebrating TORIAN’s 17th birthday! 

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It’s September 24th and you know what that means! Torian turns 17 years old!! She’s officially the dancing queen and today she’s taking center stage in this special birthday update! 

Even though she’s now 17, Torian favorite self-soothing method continues to be sucking her thumb. As a mid-ranking chimp, she sometimes needs to wait her turn before she’s able to take her food. Rather than get impatient, she sucks her thumb and waits patiently for the higher-ranked chimps to clear out. 

Timing is everything for Torian. In the past, if she felt her caregivers’ timing was off, she’d simply take her share of food from Tiffany. Tiffany didn’t mind, though! She’d happily hand it over before heading to take Torian’s portion of food from their caregivers. After all, sharing is caring!  

While Torian and Tiffany remain best friends, Torian has been widening her social circle to include younger female Sophia. They often play with and groom each other on the porches. Sometimes, they’re even having too much fun to come back when it’s time for their meals! 

Torian is a very intelligent chimp and always very aware of what’s going on within her group. Instead of getting in the middle of group conflicts, she prefers to observe from a distance where she can keep tabs on things. She doesn’t have one specific favorite toy, but she really loves what care staff call “mega toys.” These are several smaller toys caregivers attach so the chimps can either dismantle them or play with as-is! 

Today on September 24th, we hope you’ll help wish Torian a happy 17th birthday! If you’d like to send her a birthday gift, please consider some kraft paper from our Amazon Wishlist. Whether you send a gift or make a donation in her honor, thank you so much for supporting her care! 

Torian, we’re so glad to know a chimp like you! We hope you have a wonderful 17th birthday and can’t wait to see you continue to grow here in sanctuary!

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