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Have fun while volunteering with “Enrichment Parties”

enirchment party 3

By Gregory Rodriguez

How much fun can you really have by donating your time to the chimps? One of our volunteers, Catherine Dunlap, had a moment to discuss our “Enrichment Parties”; a weekly volunteer event that is part social gathering and part volunteer work! Project Chimps wouldn’t be anywhere without help from the local community and volunteering can be equally rewarding and fun.

A stacker cup enrichment gets a little bit of oats added to each layer.

What’s enrichment again?

Giving chimps a place to live out their lives is great, but a place to stay isn’t the only component of chimp life here at the sanctuary. Chimps need to have their lives “enriched” and we like to do that in various ways here at Project Chimps. Enrichment can happen through man-made puzzles and “toys” that the chimps use throughout their daily activities.

Some of the items made during these enrichment parties include food challenges such as an item called a “raisin board”. A raisin board is almost exactly what it sounds like, a 12×12 wooden board full of small holes that raisins are stuffed into. Figuring out what the board “does” or how it is “used” is what helps keep a chimp’s mind engaged.

Holey jars get smeared with oats and peanut butter during this party.

Who’s coming?

Enrichment parties are open to all volunteers. Most of our volunteers begin their work in the kitchen making snacks and treats for the chimps. If you have a little experience at the kitchen, making raisin boards like Catherine should come easy to you!

Enrichment parties can be incredibly messy, Catherine detailed her first-time volunteering for one. “My dog thought I was the bomb-diggedy because I came home covered in peanut butter.” She joked. Party participants don’t have to lift heavy objects and they can do the work sitting down or standing up, that makes this particular volunteer work accessible to everyone regardless of their physical limitations.

Time to party!

“We started doing them once a week where we sign up and get together and try to knock out three if not four enrichment items, in a two-and-a-half-hour period.” said Catherine. According to her, there is a big list of items that they follow during the event. Volunteers from different departments often make an appearance as well. Some of the members of Project Harvest, a team that dedicates itself to sustainably growing food for the chimps in the sanctuary, also participate.

It takes a village to make so many daily enrichment for all these chimps. Might as well make it a party! Volunteers are the backbone of Project Chimps, we’re lucky to have folks like Catherine supporting us!

Come join the enrichment party and volunteer with us today!

Gregory Rodriguez is a 2022 Communications Intern

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