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Justin figuring out a new shaker enrichment in Chimps Ahoy Villa.

Justin learning how to use the shaker enrichment.


Although puzzles are some of the more challenging enrichments, chimpanzees are incredibly intelligent. They allow them to exercise their minds, improve concentration and short-term memory. We encourage the chimpanzees to solve puzzles by creating those with food inside, providing both a psychological reward and a nutritious snack.

What can you do to help?

It costs $3 per day to provide enrichment to each chimp. Make a contribution to the enrichment program here

Have an idea to share? Check out the enrichment planning page to learn more.


Holey Jug


Fire Hose Cube

Whiffle Ball Puzzle


Maze Puzzle

Our goal is to ensure each individual chimpanzee experiences the best quality of life and enjoys an enriching retirement at the sanctuary.

chimpanzee laying in the sun
Chloe relaxing in the Peachtree Habitat.

Won't You Help?

This project would not be possible without our many generous individual supporters and volunteers. We rely on donations to fulfill our mission, including caring for our existing residents and expanding the sanctuary to accommodate those chimpanzees still waiting in the lab.

Won’t you help us bring the remaining chimps to sanctuary by supporting Project Chimps today? Please donate today because...

It's Their Time To Live

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