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Precious Experiences the Outdoors for the First Time


After 28 years in a research laboratory, Precious the chimpanzee had her first opportunity to step out into a forest now that she lives at the Project Chimps sanctuary. A cloudy sky didn’t dampen the spirits or enthusiasm of Precious and her nine female group mates as they had their first opportunity to step out of their enclosure and experience the grass, trees and an open sky overhead.

Jurita, 29, reassured Krystal, 9, during their first time in the forest at Project Chimps.

The team at Project Chimps never knows which chimpanzee in the group will go out first and, in this bunch, it was Precious! She led the way and was soon followed by Krystal, Jill, Jamie, Jurita, Haylee, Tristen and Sophia. Tiffany and Torian were the most apprehensive, hanging back in the tunnel that connects Chimps Ahoy Villa to the sanctuary’s six-acre Peachtree Habitat. Eventually, they both overcame their fears and stepped outside.

At first, the chimps sat outside the door on the new wooden platform built just for them by Chimpanzee Caregiver Anthony Denice, our facilities team and visiting volunteers from EY Atlanta. The platform proved to be the perfect spot for the chimps to get their bearings, enjoy some of the fruits and nuts scattered outside for them, and reassure one another that everything would be okay.

After a few moments on the platform, the females began to venture out. Jurita decided to use the opportunity to walk over to the other side of Chimps Ahoy Villa and get a better view of Marlon’s group of male chimpanzees! Their villa is currently separated like a duplex, with the females living on one side and the males on the other. The groups are currently separated by a wall, so Jurita was eager for an unobstructed view. She walked back and forth and issued a loud chimpanzee bark to let them know that she’s one of the highest-ranking females in her social group. No doubt, Marlon took notice!

Jamie, 28, enjoyed the oranges placed for her outside before exploring the six-acre Peachtree Habitat.

A number of the chimps headed in the other direction, toward Dorothy Jo and Tilly Villa (Villa 2), which is currently home to Hercules, Leo and the adolescent males. Needless to say, the young males were very interested to see the new females outside their door! A few of the older females, including Jamie, ventured all the way to check out Bo’s and Latricia’s groups in Cedar Tree Villa. Members of Latricia’s group banged, barked and blustered at Jamie and the other unfamiliar females whom they’d never seen before in the Peachtree Habitat.

Caregiver Supervisor Brooke Allen noted that when she rang the dinner bell, all of the chimpanzees made their way back indoors for dinner and a well-deserved nap.

In the days and weeks ahead, the group will have repeated opportunities to explore the habitat and get to know their neighbors a little better. They’ll also have the opportunity to meet Marlon’s group face-to-face as we begin the formal introduction process in Chimps Ahoy Villa, under the supervision of Mike Seres, our manager of chimpanzee socialization.

It was a very big day for the Project Chimps team, as well. That evening Georgia Public Broadcasting aired a special episode of Georgia Outdoors featuring the Project Chimps sanctuary. If you missed it, you can watch it here.

If you’d like to support these amazing chimpanzees and help us bring the next group from the lab later this fall, please donate today.

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