Project Harvest
Launched in the spring of 2020, as an initiative to provide organic food and enrichment for the chimps, we planted and harvested the very first crops in our own farmland on campus! The main garden grows dietary staples like leafy greens and root vegetables. We hope to plant fruit and nut trees to establish an orchard in the future. Click here for a list of fruit trees we are seeking.
In addition to Project Harvest, we maintain several browse gardens, herb boxes, and an apiary to support the chimps' dietary needs.
Produce and herbs help supplement our chimps' regular diets, while the browse garden’s river cane and sour wood provide yummy treats. Learn how you too can grow browse to donate to the chimps!
We use Integrated Pest Management techniques in keeping the garden pesticide-free. Gardens are surrounded by insectary plantings that attract beneficial insects like ladybugs, hover flies, predatory wasps and others. Owl boxes were installed by an Eagle Scout throughout the facility to encourage natural rodent predators to take up residence.
You can visit Project Harvest and see what's growing when you hike the Yellow or White trails.
Volunteer in the Garden!
The Annual Spring Planting of Project Harvest is scheduled each year on the Saturday prior to Mother’s Day. Approximately, six weeks prior, volunteers can begin planting and caring for seedlings in the greenhouse. Once the garden is planted, volunteers can sign up for daily shifts to water, weed, harvest for the chimps!
Whether you are a master gardener or just beginning to nurture your green thumb, we invite you to connect with the culture and natural landscape of Project Harvest.
Learn how to volunteer in Project Harvest today!
Honorary & Memorial Gifts
Project Harvest is available as a Naming Opportunity - provide support for the chimpanzees while also honoring a loved one. Learn more here.
Won't You Help?
This project would not be possible without our many generous individual supporters and volunteers. We rely on donations to fulfill our mission, including caring for our existing residents and expanding the sanctuary to accommodate those chimpanzees still waiting in the lab.
Won’t you help us bring the remaining chimps to sanctuary by supporting Project Chimps today? Please donate today because...