You are making a difference for a chimpanzee today!
We truly could not do this work without you.
When you donate to Project Chimps, you’re not only supporting the chimpanzees’ current care, you’re helping us invest in their futures. With a life expectancy of 50+ years in captivity, we must ensure we can provide the chimpanzees with the highest quality of sanctuary care for the rest of their lives.
Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Project Chimps’ EIN # is 47-1439557. Thank you for your generous support!
Caring for chimpanzees is very expensive, about $30,000 per year, per chimpanzee. Your generous donation will help us continue to provide exemplary care to the chimpanzees, including optimum nutrition, preventative and diagnostic veterinary care, and an enriching, naturalistic environment where they can thrive.
More ways you can help
This project would not be possible without our many generous individual supporters and volunteers. We rely on donations to fulfill our mission, including caring for our existing residents and expanding the sanctuary to accommodate those chimpanzees still waiting in the lab.
Won’t you help us bring the remaining chimps to sanctuary by supporting Project Chimps today? Please donate today because...